If you do not wish to take advantage of our TRUCK TRANSPORT, Grassroots Enduro have teamed up with the Spirit of Tasmania to secure space on the ship for round 5 of the Australian Hard Enduro Championship, see more details below.
All details regarding this event including how to book are listed below:-
You booking link is HERE
- An Exclusive Member’s Page has been created on our website and is ready for your participants use
- The URL address to your Exclusive Member’s Page is: https://www.spiritoftasmania.com.au/offers/australian-hard-enduro-championship-insane-ride-2022
- When booking/amending via this page, members will have access to the best available fares on their chosen sailing dates.
- All passenger, accommodation and vehicle space is subject to availability at time of booking/amending.
- Please keep in mind our fares do fluctuate and are subject to change until payment has been made and a booking number and e-ticket provided.
- Alternatively availability and bookings can be requested via our Customer Contact Centre on 132010.
- Please note booking and amendment fees do apply to non-internet bookings.
- Bookings for this event are valid for travel between 24/08/2022 – 25/10/2022
- Limited car space have been protected for:
Depart Melbourne on 22/09/2022 PM departure and
Depart Devonport on 27/09/2022 PM departure
- Protected space will be held until cob 12/07/2022 or until sold out. However protected space may be reviewed prior to this date and adjusted to match member interest and bookings to-date.
- When booking via the Exclusive Members Page, the following fare types will be offered (subject to availability):-
- Australian Hard Enduro Championship Insane Ride 2022 (Spirit)
- Australian Hard Enduro Championship Insane Ride 2022 (Flexi)
- If the name of your event is not included in the fare type name, this indicates you may have left the Exclusive Members Page booking platform and may need to re-check before proceeding.